Educational Specifications
What are Educational Specifications?
The Ed Specs (Educational Specifications) are design guidelines for future projects whose purpose is to inform the community and future design teams of the overall design intent of facility improvement projects. The focus is always on how physical space can support and enhance the learning experience. Projects can range from complete renovations of facilities to improvements to specific key areas of a school.
Educational Vision
The educational vision of how students learn and what teaching methodologies best support this learning is a continual process of refinement in TVUSD. The articulation of that vision and how it relates to the built environment in the facility master planning work has been shaped by input from the community and staff through surveys, 10 focus group sessions with over 100 participants, and an all-day educational summit with 25 educators and district leaders.
For more information on the community survey results, click here.
A few highlights or key takeaways from the educational summit revolved around the changing landscape of student needs and educator response to those needs. Engaging students in their education to deepen their learning requires multiple modalities of interaction. Gone are the decades of students sitting through lectures throughout their day to obtain knowledge as their sole source of learning.
TVUSD educators focus on not only content knowledge but on how to encourage students to think critically, research, analyze information, problem-solve through creative thinking and incorporate new information into pre-existing knowledge. This requires a shift in the activities of learning and the spaces that support them.

This approach to learning and to teaching is constantly evolving. Participants were asked how much of the student’s day is currently spent in various activities. Later in the day they were asked how much time do they think students will engage in these activities in the future. The results highlighted this evolution and served as a guide for what types of spaces are needed in the master plan to support this kind of learning.

To learn more about the educational summit, click here.
Guiding Principles
For the Master Planning work, the input from the educational summit, focus groups and survey has been distilled down into seven Guiding Principles of the Temecula Valley Unified School District educational community. These key values serve as a guide for all decision-making for how buildings should be renovated or improved to best impact the learning experience for students.

Supported Staff
Staff is supported through flexible and adaptable learning environments which enable educators to facilitate student learning in the manner which they know is best. Attention is given to the safety and emotional health and well-being of all staff.
Sense of Belonging
Student voice is valued. Connection and relationships with others strengthen learning and belonging. School is warm and welcoming to all.
Partnering with Families
Families are an integral part of student educational success. They are deeply committed and bring a depth of insight into the capabilities and needs of their children. By partnering with and supporting families, students are strengthened.
Students are prepared for their future through academic rigor and exposure to a variety of career pathways. Sustainability concepts are not only learned but modeled through good stewardship of resources, setting the path for future generations.
Students become engaged in their education when learning is authentic. By tackling real-world problems in their own lives, they see the relevance of the work they are doing and begin to visualize the value they bring. They understand the why behind the day-to-day learning activities.
Students are empowered to direct their learning through an inquiry-based educational model. Following one's curiosity is encouraged to gain knowledge and construct new concepts and solutions.
Creative and Joyful
School is a place that sparks creativity and a sense of joyfulness in lifelong learning. It is a safe place to learn, be authentic, explore new ideas and dream.
Student at the Center
The learning experience and success of each student is at the heart of everything TVUSD does.